Three Rules To Store Your Caravan Over Winter

clean and prepare before caravan storage

If you are a caravan owner, then you understand the importance of maintaining your vehicle throughout the year. One critical aspect of this maintenance is storing your caravan over the winter months.  

At Titan Storage we are experts in caravan storage Perth and we know that storing your caravan correctly is essential to prevent damage and maintaining the longevity of your vehicle. In this article, we will discuss the three most important rules to storing your caravan over winter. 

Clean Your Caravan Thoroughly Before Storage 

The first rule to storing your caravan over winter is to clean it thoroughly before storage. This includes both the inside and outside of your caravan. Clean any dirt or debris from the exterior and ensure that all windows and doors are shut securely. It is also important to clean the interior of your caravan. Remove any food or drink items and vacuum the carpets to prevent any crumbs or dirt from attracting pests. 

Cleaning your caravan is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it prevents dirt and grime from settling on your caravan’s exterior, which can cause damage over time. Secondly, it prevents pests from finding their way inside your caravan. Pests such as mice and rats are known to be attracted to caravans and can cause extensive damage if left unchecked. Finally, cleaning your caravan before storage ensures that it is ready to use when the winter season ends. You won’t have to spend time cleaning it when you want to use it again. 

Here are some tips to help you clean your caravan effectively: 

  1. Start with the exterior: Begin by washing the exterior of your caravan. Use a soft-bristled brush or a sponge to scrub away any dirt, grime, and bird droppings. You can use a specialized caravan cleaning product or a mild soap and water solution. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with clean water to prevent any residue from causing damage to the exterior. 
  2. Clean the windows: Use a glass cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the windows. Be sure to dry them thoroughly to prevent streaks from forming. 
  3. Remove any stubborn stains: If there are any stubborn stains or marks on the exterior, you can use a specialized caravan cleaning product or a gentle solvent to remove them. Be sure to test any product on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it does not damage the surface. 
  4. Clean the interior: Begin by removing any loose items, such as cushions, bedding, and curtains. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust, dirt, or debris from the carpets and upholstery. Be sure to reach all the corners and crevices to remove any hidden dirt. 
  5. Clean the kitchen and bathroom: Use a specialized cleaning product or a mild soap and water solution to clean the kitchen and bathroom areas. Be sure to clean the sink, toilet, shower, and any other surfaces thoroughly. Use a disinfectant to kill any bacteria and prevent the growth of mould or mildew. 
  6. Check the appliances: If your caravan has any appliances, such as a refrigerator or stove, be sure to clean them thoroughly. Remove any food or debris and wipe them down with a damp cloth. Be sure to disconnect any gas or electrical connections before cleaning. 
  7. Don’t forget the storage areas: Be sure to clean out any cupboards, drawers, and storage areas. Remove any food, drinks, or other perishable items and wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth. 
  8. Check for pests: Before storing your caravan, be sure to check for any signs of pests, such as mice or insects. Look for droppings, nests, or any damage to the interior. If you find any signs of pests, you should take steps to eliminate them before storing your caravan. 

By following these tips, you can ensure that your caravan is thoroughly cleaned and ready for storage. A clean caravan will not only look better, but it will also be less likely to suffer from damage or pest infestations during the winter months. 

Choose the Right Location for Storage 

The second rule to storing your caravan over winter is to choose the right location. There are several options available, including storing your caravan at home, in a caravan storage facility, or in a garage. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that best suits your needs. 

Whilst storing your caravan at home is a convenient option – as it allows you to keep an eye on it throughout the winter months – you will need to ensure that you have enough space to store your caravan, and that it is not blocking any access points or causing an obstruction. You should also ensure that your caravan is not visible from the road, as this can make it a target for thieves. 

Caravan storage facilities – such as Titan’s undercover storage facility – are purpose-built sites that provide secure storage for caravans. Facilities such as ours are an excellent option if you do not have space at home or if you are concerned about security. We offer indoor, gated and secure storage with 24-hour security monitoring and CCTV.  

Storing your caravan in a garage is another option. This is an excellent option if you have a garage that is big enough to accommodate your caravan. However, not all garages are suitable for caravan storage, so you should check with the manufacturer before deciding to store your caravan in a garage. 

If you don’t have the space to store a caravan and are looking for caravan storage Perth, don’t worry. Titan Storage can help you. 

There are so many good reasons to protect your caravan by storing it indoors, including: 

Storing a caravan indoors over winter is generally considered better for the vehicle because it offers protection from the elements and provides a more stable environment. 

Here are some reasons why storing your caravan indoors is beneficial: 

  1. Protection from the elements: Storing your caravan indoors provides protection from the harsh winter weather, including snow, rain, wind, and extreme temperature fluctuations. This can help to prevent damage to the exterior and interior of the caravan, such as rust, corrosion, or water damage. 
  2. Reduced risk of theft or vandalism: Storing your caravan indoors can also reduce the risk of theft or vandalism. When your caravan is stored inside, it is less visible and less accessible to potential thieves or vandals. 
  3. More stable environment: Storing your caravan indoors provides a more stable environment than leaving it outside. Indoor storage facilities typically offer controlled temperature and humidity levels, which can help to prevent damage to the caravan’s interior, including mould, mildew, or cracking. 
  4. Extended lifespan: By protecting your caravan from the elements and providing a stable environment, storing it indoors can help to extend its lifespan. A well-maintained caravan that is stored indoors is likely to last longer than one that is left outside to endure the harsh winter weather. 
  5. Lower maintenance costs: Storing your caravan indoors can also help to lower maintenance costs. When your caravan is stored inside, it is less likely to suffer from damage or wear and tear, which can save you money on repairs and replacements over time.
  6. Easier preparation for use: Storing your caravan indoors also makes it easier to prepare for use when the winter season is over. When your caravan is stored inside, it is less likely to require extensive cleaning or repairs before you can start using it again.

In summary, storing your caravan indoors in our Perth storage unit over winter offers a number of benefits, including protection from the elements, reduced risk of theft or vandalism, a more stable environment, extended lifespan, lower maintenance costs, and easier preparation for use. If you have the option to store your caravan indoors, it is generally considered the best choice for preserving and maintaining your vehicle. 

Prepare Your Caravan for Storage 

The third rule to storing your caravan over winter is to prepare it for storage. This involves several steps, including draining the water system, removing any perishable items, and disconnecting the battery. 

Draining the water system is essential to prevent any water from freezing and causing damage to your caravan’s pipes and fittings. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that you drain the water system correctly. 

Disconnecting the battery is also crucial, as this prevents it from draining while your caravan is in storage. You should remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry place. 

In addition to these steps, you should also consider using a caravan cover. A cover can protect your caravan from the elements, including rain, snow, and wind. However, you should ensure that the cover is the correct size for your caravan and that it is secured properly to prevent 

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If you live in Perth and would like to know more about caravan storage Cockburn, please contact us today and we’d be happy to help you.

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